Friday, October 17, 2008

What a week...

Wow, what a week this has been...
So far we have welcomed a new family member into our lives, my cousin and his wife delivered a sweet baby girl Haily Ann on the 15th, what a blessed occasion...Abby and I are both sick again...I broke a tooth in half and am suffering terribly as the nerve is on the verge of being exposed and that is the worst kind of physical pain I have ever known (worse than a broke to make it worse, the dentist can't see me until November 3rd... ughhhh I honestly don't know if I can stand it that long :(
I also found out I am going to be an aunt sister in law and brother are expecting again...their baby is 15 yrs there is quite a bit of difference in age there, but all will be fine...I am Praying hard for her baby bean to stick, as she had a late miscarriage about a year really hurt her and took a toll...Sadly I have plenty of experience with miscarriages to be able to help her thru alot of the emotions and feelings as they come up. So if you read this, Please keep them and their precious baby in your thoughts and Prayers

Adam didn't have school yesterday or today so it has been fun around here with both kids home..They love each other to pieces but fight like cats and dogs. Although today with Abby being sick and it being kinda cool outside they spent most of the day inside playing and watching movies...Adam is such a wonderful big brother and I do Pray that when Abby is old enough to understand she will truly appreciate him. There is almost 9 years difference in their ages, and Adam takes his job as big brother Very almost too much like a daddy sometimes...not really sure why he does that, but he has to be reminded that he is the brother
well I will go for now because my tooth is really hurting and I need to find something to ease it up some...
Much Love,

Friday, October 10, 2008

Come walk with me

I think that Fall (well Oklahomas version) is finally here, I do so love this time of year and it is my favorite...if it were fall all year long, I would be happy about it.
Seems like so much that people do can be gotten past and forgotten this time of year...Fall is romantic and whimsical, all the daydreams I had as a child were always related to fall somehow, it just seems like such a special time of year, and if I don't say so myself, I do some of my best photography this time of year...I feel called to do it more now than any other season, probably because Mother earth has so much to share with us right now.
If your interested you can see some of my work at just type in Gentlerain in the search window :) I tried to put a slide show up, but I cannot get it to work :(...I would be greatly apprecitive if someone could tell me how to do that.

We should be starting on getting our goat pens up on the side of the hill soon...seems I am putting it off for right now, probably because I know it is going to be miserable and cold work before I am done getting that fence put up...but better to do it now that to wait until it get's too cool even during the day to get it done...without having to come in and warm up...since only the kids have good winter coats.

Danny (my beloved) worked on my clothes line again today...LOL that poor ol thing is about southern engineered to death...I think we will just have to make due for a bit longer, but should be able to get some good supplies before the winter and get it up right now the poor ol thing is's a long lead rope tied to a big ol oak limb and the doorway to the chicken yard, with an oak limb down in 2 cinder blocks in the middle keeping it from hanging too low...LOL it really is about as make due as they come...but it works somewhat :)

Sadly we lost one of our best laying hens...not really sure what happened to her other than she became a snack to a coyote or something along those lines..We let them out during the day, but 2 of my girls made a habit of getting out of their yard and going up into the woods(my bad, I didn't wanna clip their wings)...well Penny came back, but Henny never did...we hunted until dark and then the next day me and Adam went to hunt again, and we never did find her or any we like to think she is up eating tons of nice juicy bugs and greens up on the hillside somewhere :)

well I guess I have completely bored you to death by now if anyone actually does read this mess...but I need to go get ready, tonight is the school halloween (fall) carnival...Adam is so excited and we really do enjoy it's like the town social or something

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Lions and Tigers and Viruses, OH MY!!!

Today started off with a a bang of coffee of course, but then it proceeded to become interesting when I tried to get online to check my email...noticing for the last several days the computer was acting funny, I quickly thought, well my virus protection will take care of it...unbeknownst to me, that our virus protection had expired, and me merrily gathering viruses by the boat load...decided to continue on and never gave it another thought, until....well my computer just decided it would not work unless forced...I think some might call that a strike...I call it deserving of being thrown across the room...but since it really does not belong to me, but to my husband...I decided to try and check a few things out...When suddenly, there it was...Virus Protection Expired!!!!!!!!!! Ahhh well, yep that might really be a big after several minutes, which may have actually been an hour or more and 5 complete and unprovoked shut downs, I finally found what I thought was a Free let me tell you...they were full of bologna...nothing about it was free except for the stupid little annoying bar it downloaded above my screen...Anyways, I was really becoming distraught as I do have a little bit of my photography on here and I know I would never be able to retrieve it...I call my beloved and oh so smart husband Danny to come home (it was 10 minutes until his usual lunch time) and help me figure this out before I completely destroy
So in his kind and gentle way of putting things, I heard Good Grief Woman, what did you do? LOL
He was so sweet though and helped me fix the problem by buying a program to get rid of all the gunk that had built up over the course of no protection at all...and installed it for me...I was so relieved to actually be able to get the computer to start and not crash within 10 minutes after it took me 8 just to get online...only to find out the reason for all the problems...145 different viruses were invading my computer...WOW 145, almost made me feel like I needed to go take a now our laptop is running smoother than it has for many days and I feel, well Safer... :)

But on to a different subject...
I have exciting news...well it's exciting for us...
My cousin, who is actually more like my sister will be moving back up here soon...she has spent the last 5 years down in Texas, and I have missed her every single day...but she had her reasons for going and a momma does what she has to do...
She has decided to buy the house that is on our land, that my fil moved there to use for rental is perfect for her and her daughter, and she wants to homestead right along with us...I figure 25 acres is more than enough for her to get in here and get dirty right along with us to :) She is very happy and I am so thrilled to have my women folk close to me again. I have spent many years dreading certain seasons, because all my people were gone and even when you make the best of always have that longing for the ones not there with you...
She came in last week and brought many of her things with it was so funny to see her pull up in a midsized car, that was packed and loaded down like it was an I had to tease her about blowing the spring hinges on her doors...So we did alot of unloading and getting things in the house and in the rooms they belonged, but we ran out of time to unpack them and we even started painting her kitchen, it is a beautiful shade of a soft green and I fell in love with it, although she still isn't convinced...maybe it will grow on her.. Anyways, we had a wonderful part of the week and weekend thru monday..many good laughs and just good quality time all together as a family...Oh and she went to church with us sunday morning and evening worship services as well...she even went to the ice cream social after services with us and got to meet everyone...I was so happy to see my little family there, I felt so blessed that I just broke out in tears, although I didn't miss any of Danny's
But the fun had to end sometime and she had to go back down to texas monday afternoon...but it has worked out even better than expected because tuesday she got a call from one of the places she turned in her resume up here and they offered her a nice job with enough pay to live on...she was thrilled and called to let us know, she was turning in her 2 week notice to her employer and would be here a month sooner than expected..which completely made my day...I so love getting good news like that...but the bummer to the end of the conversation, was she was supposed to come back down this evening to bring some more of her things (the big things, fridge, bed, couch, etc...) with a trailer and truck that her blood sister was suppose to bring to her, but never showed up for some reason, so now she won't be able to be here till either late tommorow night or sunday evening...and then turn around and be back down to texas on monday evening... :(
Well I reckon I have talked your ear off enough for now and since it's late, words are becoming foreign to me, so I guess I had better get to bed for now..
Love and Peace :)