Sunday, March 29, 2009

Wisdom of a 3 yr old

I am shocked and amazed sometimes at the things my children come up with, and being a child once myself, you would think that nothing would shock me, But today was one of those days that left me with my mouth gapping open and my chin quivering.

My 3 yr old who is now suffering with Whooping cough passed on to her by her 11 yr old brother hasn't been feeling well for the last few days, but was especially yucky feeling today, came and climbed up into my lap and was loving on me, now if you know my 3 yr old, she is not a very affectionate child, she is happy to give a drive kiss occasionally and will do it if repeatedly asked, but otherwise is content to not be overly affectionate, anyways back to the story.

She came into the kitchen where I was doing some work and asked me to pick her up, well she grabbed me around the neck and squeezed me really tight and kissed me...then said Momma, lets Pray, I said Okay baby and we bowed our heads, but before I could get a word out, she looks at me and says "Jesus, we talk to Him and and He holds us, Amen".
I was floored, my eyes filled with tears and I couldn't do anything but stare into her beautiful, wise, little green eyes with wonder and amazement and tell her how much I loved her and what a beautiful job she did Praying. But wondering how someone so little could hold so much more knowledge than myself, and then I began to think. How is it that adults can be so blind to something so wonderful, free and good, and yet a wee little 3 yr old can see God's Love for us.

Me being a worrier, and I do mean a complete professional at it. I have a tendency to ignore the fact that it solves NOTHING to sit and worry, it only creates a stomach full of ulcers and a head full of gray hair, both of which I have an abundance of, lol.

Isaiah 11:6
'The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, The leopard shall lie down with the young goat. The calf and the young lion and the fatling together; And a child shall lead them.

Love and Peace,

Monday, March 23, 2009


Well we spent the biggest part of the day in town at the lawyers office taking care of jacked up land deeds, it seems the lawyer messed our deeds up and there was a woman threatening to sue us, for something we had nothing to do with...ughhhhh gotta love anyways all I can say about that

On our return home the van decided to give us fits, but it made it home...Then I decided to get online and check the farmers almanac since I haven't checked it in several days, only to find that I should Not plant my cabbage, califlower and broccoli today, because it was considered a barren day and I will have to wait until the 26th to put it in the ground...Well I have to remind myself, that this is Oklahoma and in the spring time it is Always poppin up a storm and staying muddy for weeks on I decided to go check the extended forcast and what do you think I find? Rain, Rain and More Rain...which is wonderful for my other stuff I already have planted, but I am already LATE getting those 3 veggies in the will be Too warm in no time for them...and I will have to continue paying 3 bucks for a head of cabbage, which the thought of doing that makes me wanna cry...It just stinks...

Well today has def. been a yucky and fruitless day around here, Here's hoping the next good planting day (April 2nd) holds out better for our 3 poor veggies

Friday, March 20, 2009

Wow Finally a Productive Day!

With all the sickness going on with the kids as of late things have really been put on the backburner...But hopefully things are coming around and falling back into place...YAY!!!

Well yesterday started out as a cold, wet and miserable day, so I was really dreading the thought of trying to get down to the garden and work...But as it turns out (as usual) it was a blessing in disguise...I had forgotten to soak my onions and other seeds before I took them to the garden (out of excitement at getting them planted..LOL) so as they sat in the kids little red wagon, during the morning they got what seems to be the perfect little drink of water and were in perfect condition to be planted when I got to the garden yesterday afternoon...Thankfully it had stopped raining by then and the garden wasn't a wet muddy pit, that I guess I had in my mind it was going to be. It was almost unreal how perfect everything seemed...

Soon after I got to the garden (the kids stayed up at the house with dad) my sister/cousin Amy arrived home from work and was Ready to she didn't even change out of her scrubs from it was a wonderful sight and quite funny to see her barefoot and her pants legs rolled up to her knees in this wet and cold Oklahoma dirt...But we must have gotten a much needed and appreciated burst of energy from all the laughter as we got 200 onions planted, the lettuce, collard greens, radishes and spinich all planted...Our rows are long as it's a very good sized garden, so after almost 4 hours of bending over and squatting...we are both pretty sore, more so yesterday than today...I went to bed with a wonderful back ache, that woke me in the night a couple of times. But it all seems so worth it...all the aches and pains seem to be worthwhile, I can't really explain it, but it's a Good hurt if that makes sense...Something I wanna celebrate rather than complain about...

Well until the next time, Lots of Peace and Love
P.S. I really need to figure out how to put some pics up on here in these blogs...So if someone could help me out with that I would really be grateful :)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

It's been so long

It's been so long since I have been able to get online...Nov 5th 08 was the last time I was able to write...The only other computer we had was a laptop and well guess what? LOL if it weren't for bad luck, well it would be slim pickins around I am only kidding of course, but it sure seems like that's how it works around here, anyways, the laptop fell off the table and ended upside down under the recliner, since we have no carpet it slid, so when Danny leaned forwards to see what fell, he crushed the screen...Needless to say, we have been computer free all this time, except for the computer in Dans office at the church building, an let me tell you the withdrawl is awful, even for a self thought of mountain woman as myself...who thinks she can do without most of lifes conviencies like, electricity, running water, well I can assure you doing without the computer was by far, worse than ever having to light lanterns or haul water up from the pond, both of which I have done many

But since then we spent alot of time indoors as it seems to get harder to go outside in the cold as you get older, or maybe I am just becoming more sensitive to it as I get older...

Since Feb though we have managed with the help of a cousin (and his tractor) to get 2 half acre gardens plowed, they look huge to see our children out there running, playing and pullin weeds, but to get in there myself and try to figure out what veggies are going where, all that room seems to go away quickly, then the panic of I am not gonna have enough room for all these veggies takes over until my ever so sweet husband assures me there will be plenty of room with Both gardens. We have big plans this year concerning getting most of our food canned and getting our root cellar finished.

The mobile home that sets on our property is now empty as the renter we had bought a home in town, so we will be using that as our base of operations for the majority of canning, freezing and sewing and all the storage that goes along with it...I LOVE that idea and am pretty excited...

My sister/cousin and her daughter who also now live on our property will be moving her sewing machine down there as well and we will both be able to free up lots of room in our homes...Since my home is less than 1000 sq foot, I am REALLY excited about it...LOL

The reason we decided to not rerent the other mobile home on our property is we decided that with the all bills paid method my late father in law was using was bringing in maybe 100 extra dollars a month, and def. NOT worth the hassle of a renter, especially since all but 1 of the last 5 renters we had were for a lack of a better word, awful we decided we would save more by turning the trailer into a storage/work area, because the money we will be saving and not having to fork over to walmart will be fabulous and well worth the effort.