Monday, March 23, 2009


Well we spent the biggest part of the day in town at the lawyers office taking care of jacked up land deeds, it seems the lawyer messed our deeds up and there was a woman threatening to sue us, for something we had nothing to do with...ughhhhh gotta love anyways all I can say about that

On our return home the van decided to give us fits, but it made it home...Then I decided to get online and check the farmers almanac since I haven't checked it in several days, only to find that I should Not plant my cabbage, califlower and broccoli today, because it was considered a barren day and I will have to wait until the 26th to put it in the ground...Well I have to remind myself, that this is Oklahoma and in the spring time it is Always poppin up a storm and staying muddy for weeks on I decided to go check the extended forcast and what do you think I find? Rain, Rain and More Rain...which is wonderful for my other stuff I already have planted, but I am already LATE getting those 3 veggies in the will be Too warm in no time for them...and I will have to continue paying 3 bucks for a head of cabbage, which the thought of doing that makes me wanna cry...It just stinks...

Well today has def. been a yucky and fruitless day around here, Here's hoping the next good planting day (April 2nd) holds out better for our 3 poor veggies

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