Friday, October 17, 2008

What a week...

Wow, what a week this has been...
So far we have welcomed a new family member into our lives, my cousin and his wife delivered a sweet baby girl Haily Ann on the 15th, what a blessed occasion...Abby and I are both sick again...I broke a tooth in half and am suffering terribly as the nerve is on the verge of being exposed and that is the worst kind of physical pain I have ever known (worse than a broke to make it worse, the dentist can't see me until November 3rd... ughhhh I honestly don't know if I can stand it that long :(
I also found out I am going to be an aunt sister in law and brother are expecting again...their baby is 15 yrs there is quite a bit of difference in age there, but all will be fine...I am Praying hard for her baby bean to stick, as she had a late miscarriage about a year really hurt her and took a toll...Sadly I have plenty of experience with miscarriages to be able to help her thru alot of the emotions and feelings as they come up. So if you read this, Please keep them and their precious baby in your thoughts and Prayers

Adam didn't have school yesterday or today so it has been fun around here with both kids home..They love each other to pieces but fight like cats and dogs. Although today with Abby being sick and it being kinda cool outside they spent most of the day inside playing and watching movies...Adam is such a wonderful big brother and I do Pray that when Abby is old enough to understand she will truly appreciate him. There is almost 9 years difference in their ages, and Adam takes his job as big brother Very almost too much like a daddy sometimes...not really sure why he does that, but he has to be reminded that he is the brother
well I will go for now because my tooth is really hurting and I need to find something to ease it up some...
Much Love,

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