Tuesday, November 4, 2008

It's been a while

It seems time has flown by with so much going on...My cousin and her daughter are here for good now. We have had lots of fun, but are working on getting back into our own daily routines..It makes it hard to do that when it has been forever since you spent time with them...So everything has been in dissarray as I still feel I need to entertain, instead of get everything done. But I am sure things will eventually settle back into place...I am so thrilled that they are here with us, I am getting used to them being here now and can't imagine them being anywhere else now.

Halloween was so much fun, we took the kids house to house in town and they had lots of fun, they were all 3 exhausted but had a blast.
Our congregation had a hay ride and weinie roast and everyone had lots of fun as it turned out to be a really chilly breath seeing night, so the fire was much appreciated.
We also had a weinie roast and smores at my aunts homestead place, it was lots of fun and all the cousins got to play and had a ball...along with the adults. They have been working very hard out there and it is looking great, can't wait to help them work on getting their home built.

As for us as a family, it has been rather quiet, except for a trip to the ER on saturday night...we had gone to bed a little early to hopefully enjoy our extra hour of sleep we were gonna get...but plans changed...lol
I had decided I was done reading, so I turned off the light and turned over and had started to doze, when I felt something start to crawl into my ear, I panicked and jumped up, and stuck my finger up into my ear just in time to feel what I thought was a lady bug go into my ear..I freaked out because almost instantly I felt this excruciating pain set the side of my face, ear and neck on fire and it just got worse from there...I have 2 words for you on this subject...Excruciating Pain...I have to say it was really bad and just might be up there with an exposed nerve in your mouth....I was screaming and crying the pain was intense and bad...I have had a broken wrist that didn't hurt that bad...so anyways after several attempts to boil the bug out with peroxide, and it not working, I just could not tolerate it any longer, so off to the hospital we go...They were wonderful, I got in immediately and they were so kind...It took 5 nurses, 1 doctor and 9 attempts at flushing that bugger out of there but they finally got it out....I was so relieved that I started bawling again, they all felt so bad for me that I got lots of hugs from the nurses...and my lady bug turned out to Not be a ladybug...it turned out to be one of those nasty ol water beetles....and it done alot of damage to my eardrum and inside my ear...they have what look like little hooks on all of their legs and just shredded my ear up...so I was given cipro ear drops, it's an antibiotic and some lortab for the pain to follow...The doc said my ear was gonna hurt like heck the next day, and you know what? He was Right...it did hurt pretty bad and is still pretty sore today...And as much as I hate to admit it, this experience has left me with yet another phobia...lol
It was always one of my worst fears...and now that it has happened, it just let me know why I was so afraid of it...I never wanna experience that again, EVER...
I have now started sleeping with cotton balls in my ears...LOL
Well I hope you all have a blessed and lovely day,

1 comment:

Agape1229 said...

So THAT'S why the ER trip. Oh Tonye, that really freaks me out. I may have to sleep with cotton balls too. Eeeeeeeek!
Hey, keep in touch! I miss you!